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Bible Passage(s): Genesis 13: 1 – 18
Memory Verse: “After Lot was gone, the Lord said to Abram,‘‘Look as far as you can see in every direction. I am going to give all this land to you and your offspring’’ as a permanent possession. And I am going to give you so many descendants that, like dust, they cannot be counted! Take a walk in every direction and explore the new possessions I am giving you.” Genesis 13: 14 – 17 NLT
When Abraham and his nephew Lot returned from Egypt on their way back to Canaan, the Bible recorded that the land was not large enough to support their livestock with both of them living close together. This is so because they both had too many livestock. There were always arguments between their herdsmen. Therefore Abram talked this over with his nephew, Lot that these arguments should stop! They agreed to separate and go in different directions to allow for peace to reign.
He asked Lot to pick any section of the land he liked. Lot chose the fertile Jordan Valley, which was lush, green and well watered like the garden of the Lord or the beautiful land of Egypt! Abram on the other hand stayed back in the land of Canaan.
After these events, God came to Abram and showed him the future He had for him (verse 14 – 17). If only we can have the same spirit as Abram, we will receive the blessings of God and He will make clear His glorious future for us.
Lot was akin to Abram’s familiar and ours too; may be those relationships preventing us from blossoming and entering into God’s plan, purpose and blessings for our lives. We have to separate from them and be free to walk through the land, looking in all direction, as far as our eyes can see; the possession and abundance that God has prepared for us and our descendants.
Many of us may find ourselves in the same situation Abram found himself with Lot. Your attitude should be to let go and let God perfect His counsel in your life. I enjoin you this month of July; do not hold on to anything that will not get you anywhere, no matter how familiar, important and seemingly secure it may be. God wants to do a new thing in your life in the remaining half of this year. Allow him, free yourself from all your familiars.
The Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.
Have a great month.
Prayer Points
1. Thank God for bringing you into the second half of the year 2017. It is the Lord’s doing. Sing praises unto him.
2. Also thank Him for your nation. My nation, Nigeria is facing turbulent times- What with our President sick and undergoing treatment in London and the spate of agitations, terrorism and threats of separation running through the land. It is only God that has kept us together and safe thus far.
3. Pray for speedy recovery for President, Muhammadu Buhari and ask the Lord to perfect His counsel for his life and that of Nigeria.
4. Ask the Lord to separate you from all your familiars. Those holding you back, (whether they are human, associations, companies, materials or whatever) and preventing you from entering into the will and purpose of God for your life. Pray that the Lord will cause you to blossom on every side in all direction.
5. Commit this month and indeed the rest of the year, yourself and your nation into the hands of the Lord. That the Lord will keep you and manifest His presence in your life so that you will reap the fruit of the land and be at peace.
6. Pray the same prayer for the world and ask the Lord to take control of all the issues affecting our world. Pray that His plan and purpose shall be fulfilled in our world, come what may.
Bola Olowe
Grace Leadership Foundation