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Bible Passage(s): John 10: 1 – 31
Memory Verse: “This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:17-19.
This is the month when we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. His resurrection has a great impact and validates our faith as Christians. The sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross served as payment for our sins. God raised Him up on the first Easter morning to show the world that the way had been made for us to be with him forever. The face of Grace is reflected in the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. Jesus came and gave His life, was crucified for the sins of mankind. ‘ At Christmas we celebrate the moment when Goodness, Truth, and Beauty himself was born of a virgin’, at Easter we remember the act of love and grace by the one who knew no sin, but was crucified for our sake.
In our remembrance, we should let this example be reflected in us by doing likewise. How do we do likewise? We do likewise by our show of love, affection and giving.
Many people are going through a tortuous and traumatic time economically and financially. We should rise up to the occasion and give a helping hand to show the face of grace as reflected in the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. It is not only by rendering help during disasters that we demonstrate love, it also includes sharing our material possessions, including money that we help a brother or sister or a family. The present reality in our nation Nigeria brings this position to the fore; salaries of workers are owed for an extended period of time; people are losing their jobs and being retrenched every day. Money is scarce! There is poverty, suffering and deprivation in the land! Many families, on a lot of days do not know where their next meal will come from! Some have their children at home from school because they are not able to pay their school fees! Lending a hand to help meet some of these needs when you can afford to do so is a display of love and show of the face of grace. It is not only by word of mouth, our love should be in action too. This month I encourage you to find someone or families to show love and the face of grace by giving out of the little you have. It is not the quantity you give but the heart attitude of the giving.
Most people know they are messed up! Instead of lectures; they need a hope for redemption. Stern face or sharp words can block their view of that hope. Like Ananias (Acts 9: 1-17), followers of Jesus Christ must become the face of grace in life-changing encounters with others. A Christian’s grace-filled action can smooth someone’s path to the Savior’s presence. The foot of the cross is where grace is abundant. You will find grace to help others this month of March in Jesus name.
The Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer Points
1. Thank the Lord for the month of March and its significance to Christians. Pray that the significance of this month of Jesus’ resurrection will not be lost on you.
2. Ask for grace to help and be the face of grace to others this month. Pray that God will open your eyes and make you an angel to deliver his love and grace to someone this month.
3. Pray for families undergoing one stress or the other right now. Ask the Lord to send help that will change their story for good this month.
4. Pray for our world and ask the Father to fix the wrongs and brokenness in the world. Pray that he will help us to see and focus on the evidence of his presence in the wonder of his creation.
5. Pray for Nigeria, that our leaders will receive wisdom to attend to the myriad of problems facing the nation. Ask God to intervene and bring succor to the suffering masses of this country.
Bola Olowe
Grace Leadership Foundation
You can also read this message and previous ones at our web site: www.graceleadershipfoundation.org
As you enter the month of March, you will march forward and do great exploits. The Lord of Host is with you.