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Bible Passage(s): Isaiah 35: 1 – 10
Memory Verse: “The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, Even with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the Excellency of our God.” Isaiah 35: 1 – 2
Songs come in different rhythms and melodies; some continuously oozing out, whilst some are intermittent, depending on the kind of beat being played. There are songs which are melodious and some are not so melodious. The melodious song draws attention and pulls the crowd. Whereas songs that are not so melodious though may temporarily draw attention will eventually repel listeners after some time. They don’t want to hear it! But the melodious song continues to attract people and they cannot just have enough of it!
In the same vein, our lives sing songs which are heard by people around us. Some life songs can either be melodious or not so melodious! The sweetness of our life song is usually determined by the outpourings from our life, which some call the aroma or odor of our life. When our life pours out pureness, goodness, holiness, righteousness, consistency, commitment, love and harmony, our song will be melodious and it will draw people to us, to see and Shear’ what makes us tick. They will be glad for us in rejoicing and blossoming! Also some life songs also project and preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, thereby fulfilling the Great Commission. They become the harbinger or projector of the gospel of salvation, grace, hope and deliverance. Whereas some are so harsh to the ears that they repel people from Christ our Lord, who they profess.
What type of song is your life signing right now? Is it melodious, pleasing and pleasant, drawing people to the Christ you profess and proclaim? Does it make the people glad for you, rejoicing and blossoming abundantly as the rose? Is it making them to rejoice in the Lord of your salvation? Does it make them to see the glory of the Lord, the Excellency of your God? Or is it one that makes people disdain the message of salvation, grace, hope and deliverance?
Your life will sing melodious songs when you live a life of purpose and impact; when you are always consistent in season and out of season in your calling, your choices, character, work and business. Are you using unequal weights expecting, and demanding gratification before you render the services for which you are officially being paid? Are you in a position of authority and leadership that places you in a vantage position to save lives, provide good leadership, a safe and amiable environment for your people, but instead you are using the position for personal gains, gratification; pilfering the common patrimony of the people for yourself and leaving undone your primary commission to serve the people? Are people seeing the glory of the Lord and His Excellency in your life?
Our world and nation Nigeria need people whose lives will sing sweet and melodious songs! Which one do you choose; a melodious life song that attracts the people to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, or the not so melodious song that drives away the people? The choice is yours. As Moses said to the children of Israel when they were about to enter their Promised Land; ‘I place before you today, life and death. Choice life so you can live.’ The choice is yours.
The Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer Points
1. Let’s thank our Lord for making us to see the beauty of another month. We have practically used up half of the year 2018 and the Lord has been with us to this point. Why don’t you praise and thank Him for His protection, goodness and steadfastness, though we have not been consistent and steadfast ourselves. But the Lord has been merciful to us. Thank Him for His mercy and favor that you have been enjoying thus far.
2. Pay that the Lord will help you to live a life that sings melodious and harmonious songs. Songs that will always attract the people to your God and make them want to follow Him.
3. Commit your journey for the rest of the year into His hands, and pray that He will fulfil His Words which He gave us for this year 2018 in your life – that you will blossom, be exceedingly successful and a reference point in your family, profession and your Nation at large. That He will set you apart for maximum impact!
4. Pray for Nigeria as we go into another season of elections and ask the Lord to perfect His counsel concerning the Nation. That He will give us men whose lives will sing melodious and harmonious songs of peace, joy, progress and development of our Nation. Men with strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands. Men, whom the lust of office will not kill, Men, whom the spoils of office cannot buy. Men, who possess opinions and a will. Men, who have honour; men, who will not lie, Men, who can stand before a demagogue and demand his treacherous flatteries without winking. Tall men, sun-crowned; who live above the fog in public duty and in private thinking (Josiah Gilbert Holland).
5. Pray for peace and harmony in our world. That He will perfect all that He has started in bringing peace to the world.
The Lord is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you. In His love He will no longer rebuke you, He will rejoice over you with singing.