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Bible Passage(s): Ecclesiastes 3: 1 – 8
Memory Verse: “For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter; though a person may be weighed down by misery.” Ecclesiastes 8: 6
The Message Bible version of the memory verse says there is an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on earth. In essence, everyone has a time of life or a date with destiny! Time for mankind is when everything coalesces and come together to bring about the fulfillment of the stated plan and purpose of God for his or her life. This is a time when God moves in his situation and circumstances and takes him to another level. It is a time when one seizes the moment and move forward in life! A person, who grows from childhood to adulthood, will never ‘play with sand again’! He assumes a higher plane and must do things conforming to his status.
However many are missing their times of life today! The ordained time of God for their lives! This may be due to lack of discernment, failure to recognize the ways and workings of God in their lives, lack of faith in God and the abilities and potentials He has deposited into them. Some have not realized the enormous gifts and talents they have! They think that theirs is not enough and that the other man’s own is greater. As such, they continue to wallow in self-pity and become despondent, thinking that God has abandoned them! God has been speaking to man from ages past. Yet man has continued to remain deaf to the directives and instructions of God to his own peril and has always failed to seize his moment of life, thereby he is not playing to his potential!
Similarly, many nations have most times failed to seize the time of their lives! That is why some have not developed past the level they are and remain underdeveloped with poverty ravaging their people! The time of a nation also comes with the timing of the rise of a leader. I believe that nations take quantum leaps when the right leader emerges at the right time and seizes the moment, catching the attention of the people and energizing them to move from the level they have hitherto been constrained by ignorance, bad governance and misrule to a higher level of development and affluence. I believe Nigeria is at this threshold right now, and is ripe for the emergence of transforming leadership; a collective that will seize the moment and capture the imagination of the people, galvanize them to unleash their hitherto latent potentials towards becoming the great nation that God has ordained her to be.
However all these cannot come together if the people still do not believe and know God. The Bible says that they that know their God shall do great exploits. It also says that even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall; but they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40: 30 -31). It is time for Nigeria to rise and take her rightful place. The nations of the world are waiting for her!
On a personal level, may I ask, do you know your God? Have you given your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Are you born again, spirit filled and tongue talking? These are prerequisites for attaining your time of life. If your answers to these questions are in the negative, then you are at the right time of life to make a move forward. What will it be? Are you ready to say yes to Jesus now and seize the time of your life so that you can become who God has created you to be? If so, I invite you to pray this prayer in your heart right now and surrender your life to Jesus Christ:
Heavenly Father, I come to you in humility, I confess my sins and ask for forgiveness. Please take me into the company of your beloved. I surrender my life to you right now; take me just as I am, in Jesus mighty.
Congratulations! You are now a born again child of God! The Bible says ‘…. to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (John 1: 12 – 13). Take the steps to follow after him by getting a Bible and studying it. The Holy Spirit will direct you aright. Find and begin to attend a Bible believing and teaching church where you will be nurtured with His Word. If you require assistance, please call the telephone number below.
The Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer Points
1. Bless the Lord for another new month. Ask him to be with you throughout and guide you in all your ways.
2. Pray that the Lord will make you to recognize and seize your time of life. That He will help you to play to your potentials and live a life that is worthy of your confession of faith in Him.
3. If you have just received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, pray that the Lord will help you to stand perfect and complete, growing daily in Him.
4. Pray for your country and ask the Lord to raise men and women, including you, who will bring about the transforming leadership that will move your Nation forward and bring rejoicing to your streets, including peace, joy and great progress.
5. Pray for all the Nations of the world; that in this season and time, the Lord will look down with pity and bring about a change for the better. That He will cause the Nations to flow unto Him and halt the move of the devil, which is daily causing mayhem and bloodshed all over the place.