Chalk in God’s Hands

Bible Passage(s):  Psalm 118: 6 – 9; 21 – 25Memory Verse:   “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Psalm 127: 1 – 2 (NKJV)

God is using you to write the story of your life! It is not about you but of you. Therefore, give the glory and honour to Him. Give God the right of place and don’t you are the superstar, the hero. You are not! It is only because of God. He is the one doing it. Psalms 127:1 ‘Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain’.

There is nothing a man can achieve by his own strength alone. It is God that works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Therefore we must humble ourselves before God who makes gives us breathe and owns all that we have.

No one can become anything or receive anything except by the permission of God. All things that do not fall within His divine will cannot be achieved or attained. No matter how much we try. He alone is God, our maker and owner. The one who uses us as chalk to write on the blackboard of life, and since chalk is most times white in colour and in sharp contrast to the blackness of the board on which it writes, let us be the difference that God intended us to be in our generation, nation, locality, place of work, in every place where we find ourselves and in all things we do.

When we do this, we are truly fulfilling the purpose of God for our lives. How do you think it will look if a charcoal is used to write on a blackboard? Will the message be legible and effectively passed to the reader? Therefore, for us to appropriately and efficiently pass across the message of God to our generation, we need to maintain our whiteness that is holiness and righteousness.

Let’s be encouraged not to bend to the wiles of this world or arrogate to ourselves the importance which do not possess. God is the main actor and true subject of our lives. Whatever we do, it is in the name of God and by His power. It is God who enacts our salvation, rescues us and attends to our needs. Do not put yourself under the pressure of performance or appearance “We don’t need to fret, compare, work with compulsive energy, or feed our many anxieties. God is in charge and He will carry through. All we have to do is trust and follow His lead in obedience

May the Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.



Lord you are the main actor of life, please let me obediently follow your lead and guidance in absolute obedience in Jesu name,

 ©Bola Olowe, Grace Leadership Foundation. 


The Lord will satisfy you with good things. This shall be your month of exceeding great reward and abundant harvest, in Jesus name.

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