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Exodus 3: 1 – 15
Memory Verse: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’’ Philippians 4:19In these times of our lives as a natin and people, we may be tempted, sometimes, to give in to despair and, if care is not taken lose hope and be desperate. Coupled with this is the situation of the world, which gives one a lot concerns. Firstly, the economy and the crumbling social order. Secondly, the seeming intrusion of social media into our private lives, which gives the feeling of nowhere to hide. It is like our life is exposed to the whole world. In particular, these times is particularly precarious for people of faith. There appears to be a conflict and confusion about the identity of human beings, and for fear of not being found to be intolerant or politically inappropriate, many things are being thrown at us, especially our impressionable children and youths. Indeed, there is a real cause for us to worry.
What about recent developments that has brought the word Japa to our national consciousness, particularly those of us living in Nigeria? Japa is a word in the Yoruba language that means ‘to run swiftly out of a dangerous situation’. It means running for dear life from a perceived dangerous situation. Unfortunately, this situation has become so real for our youths, the proverbial future of the nation, and they have come to interpret the word to mean emigration outside Nigeria. Running as it were for dear life to find a more secure and stable existence in another country, where they believe they will be safe and can get sustenance for their lives. The situation in the country is such that it is now very difficult to make ends meet and live a decent and sustainable life. As such, our youths and even some adults, have resorted to japaing. The worst hit is the medical sector. Many of our up-and-coming young doctors and nurses have left the country, taking their skills to countries like the United Kingdom and European countries. The case, however, is not too different in other professions. This development has denied the country of the services of her vital manpower resources for development. It is having a debilitating effect on the nation’s socio-economy. A source of serious concern and worry for the future.
As I pondered over these issues, I was reminded of one of the names of God in the Hebrew language, El Shaddai. The name Shaddai is translated as ‘more than enough. So, El-Shaddai connotes a God that is more than enough – the “all- sufficient One.” He is our “all in all.”. In Exodus, Chapter 3 verse 14 – ‘And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.’ Therefore ’Understanding the weight and power of the name “I AM THAT I AM” is important, especially for us Christians today, to understand the complexity of who God is. He is all-encompassing and self-sufficient. It is a name above names, one that reminds the believer that God is in control, and that He sees His children. It also affirms the identity of the Savior as the Son of
God. It can be easy in the struggles of everyday life to lose sight of the majesty and holiness of God, but meditating on the name He gave Himself, and all that it represents, can help put our time on earth into better perspective. God is infinite, and He is sovereign over our lives, He Is Who He Is.’’ – Bethany Verrett.
Similarly, Martin Puryear, in his writeup titled; The God of Our Lives’, stated that ‘The ancient rabbis believed that the word “Shaddai” carried the idea of “sufficiency. “This word “sufficient” combines the two ideas of strength and nourishment. El Shaddai has the (“mountain”) to provide whatever nourishment we need (“mother’s breast”) for growth and fruitfulness. So, in whatever circumstance or development in our lives, we should have the assurance that God is our source and provider of everything we need and look up for. Therefore, we should not despair or succumb to hopelessness. Our God will supply all we need, according to his riches through Christ Jesus. Our children shall all return to be nursed at our breasts and our nation shall rise up to the calling that God has placed upon it, that is to be a sought-after nation, where people of the world shall come to learn righteousness. So shall it be in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Saviour and Redeemer.
May the Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer: Dear God, you are indeed my El Shaddai. I put my trust in you that you will not let me down, whatever situation or circumstance that may confront me this month. Amen.
©Bola Olowe, Grace Leadership Foundation. Monday 1, May 2023.