Exodus 4: 1 – 5

Memory Verse: ‘’If your faith is as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, be you lifted and cast into the sea. Anything you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive answer to them.’’ Matthew 17:20.

Taking a snake by the tail is like rousing a sleeping lion! People don’t normally catch snakes by their tails, but they take them by their heads. This is because, if you do, the snake can swipe back and bite you. In this instance, God instructed Moses to catch a snake by its tail. This snake was his shepherd’s rod that was miraculously turned into a snake when God told him to throw it on the ground. God did that as a sign to confirm to Moses that He is the one sending him to deliver the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt.

Sometimes we receive instructions from God which may appear unreasonable to us. However, if you exercise your faith in God and obey Him, you will see a great manifestation of the power and sovereignty of God. You will receive answers to your prayers.

Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew, chapter 17, verse 20; ‘’if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, be you lifted and cast into the sea. Anything you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive answer to them.’’ In his letter to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, verses 7 to 11 Apostle Paul outlined nine different spiritual gifts that God gives to believers who have been baptised in the Holy Spirit. We can categorise these gifts into three groups, with each group comprising of three gifts. We have the VOCAL gifts, which include – speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophesy; then the INTELLECTUAL gifts, which are word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits; and PRACTICAL gifts – healing, working of miracles and faith. The three Practical Gifts, are indeed demonstration gifts and if you walk in them and exercise them, you will have abundant testimonies. Do you know that ‘By the same power with which you speak in tongues, you also heal the sick and work miracles?’ Jesus said to His disciples, if you ask anything in my name, I will do it, John 14:14. He went further in John 16:24, ‘’Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.’’ So as a believer, how far have you exercised the gift of faith, which you received when you gave your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?

Is there any mountain before you that you want God to lift from your life? Do you know that if you exercise and activate your gift of faith and ask in the name of Jesus, the mountain will be lifted? Do you know that as you exercise the gift of speaking in tongues, so you are also able to exercise your gift of healing and you will be able to heal the sick, even yourself, in the name of Jesus? You have power to heal the sick, if you ask in the name of Jesus, believing that all things are possible for those that believe. If you believe, you shall see the manifestation of God and nothing will be impossible for you. I urge you, pray for God to give you a faith like that of Moses, who dared to catch a snake by its tail.

May the Lord bless and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, now and forevermore. Amen.

Prayer: O Lord, let it be unto me whatever I ask of you in faith this month, in Jesus mighty name. 
©Bola Olowe, Grace Leadership Foundation.
Thursday 1, February 2024.
You can also read this message and previous ones at our web site: www.graceleadershipfoundation.org
This month, God will be your El-rohi – the God that sees you. He will see and meet you at every point of whatever your needs are, and He will answer all your prayers, in Jesus might name. Have a grace filled month of Great Exploits.

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